Grow your email list with a simple Facebook group hack

Your Facebook group can be an email list building machine that runs entirely on autopilot! In this Facebook Live I share with you a super simple, and yet, super effective strategy to leveraging the power of your Facebook group to build your email list on autopilot.

Your Facebook group can and will grow your email list on every single day, you just need to throw a little bit of strategy behind it!

First, there is an Ask Questions feature inside each and every Facebook group. It’s under the Edit Group Setting tab and looks like this:

This feature is a GOLD MINE in that is allows you to ask three questions. Now these three questions should be set up very strategically, but question #3 should build your email list for you, on autopilot.

Your third question should be something like this, “As a thank you for joining my Facebook group, I want to give you a FREE gift! It’s my name of document/checklist/training! You can download it through this link:

Granted it’s not really a question, and not everyone will take you up on your offer, but more than not, you’ll get new group members AND new email list subscribers simultaneously!

This question can get someone that is brand new to you in two of your most important networks: your Facebook group and your email list. Your Facebook group is where you will develop the “know, like, and trust” factor, while your email list is where you will sell to them.

Once you can get your audience rolled over into both of these areas of your business, you’ll see growth exponentially.

If you want more business strategy tips and a community of like-minded mompreneurs, head over to Facebook and join my own Facebook group, The Mompreneur Community!

Come hang out with me on InstaStories!



How to fill your Facebook group with ideal clients


Episode #94: Creating a legacy