EP 338 | Taking radical responsibility


The $80,000 Email

This email sold over $80,000 worth of courses and memberships last year.

In the past I’ve only shared this email (+ it’s plug-and-play template) with clients, but because it’s so profitable, I want to share it with you.

💛 This email is incredibly simple (you’ll be surprised at how simple it really is!).
💛 And easy.
💛 And fluff-free.
💛 And heart-centered.

(I’m basically allergic to “salesy” so don’t worry, if you’re worried about that, I’ve got you covered there.)

In this FREE download you’ll get: 

✅ the word-for-word email that sold over $80,000 worth of courses and memberships last year

✅ a template so that you can you can plug-and-play to make it your own (think of it like Mad Libs for email marketing!)

✅ an explanation of the strategy behind the email and why it’s so incredibly profitable

Enter your details in the boxes below, and grab The $80,000 Email and to use to sell more of your course and/or membership.


Something that has been a total game changer for me this year has been taking radical responsibility over the results I'm experiencing in my business. And this ownership has created massive growth in my business. A very obvious metric of this growth is that I’ve brought in more sales by June of this year, than I did in all of 2022. Things are churning and burning and I really equivocate that growth to one main thing, taking radical responsibility for everything in my business.

And so what do I mean by this?
Not being passive and taking massive, aligned action.

In this episode, I’m going to share my perspective on this, and dive deep into how you can stay focused on your goals and adjust when needed, which will help you to take radical responsibility.


  • Instead of making excuses when something isn’t working, ask yourself, what can be done? When my masterclass wasn’t getting 50 registrations each week, I asked myself, do I need to change my Meta ads, lead magnet swap, or work on getting more registrations through my email list? What can I do to control the situation?

  • Your goal is more important than your comfort zone. Sometimes something will work for a while and then you won’t see the same results you were seeing. Maybe it’s time to change your messaging. It’s ok if things need to be adjusted and it's quite brave when you can admit that something needs to change.

  • Learn to serve yourself first. When pouring from an empty cup, you can’t fully show up. We need to say to ourselves more often that we are worth it.


Download The $80,000 Email

Check out episode 328 that Allison mentioned in this episode all about her weekly masterclasses


Follow Allison on Instagram


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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com


Want to work together? Here’s how to get started!

A high-touch Mastermind experience, designed to help you enroll new clients into your course or membership, on autopilot

A monthly, information-based email funnel membership for coaches who want to stop launching, and enroll new clients into their course or membership, on autopilot.

Get an extra set of eyes on your email funnel, and get customized feedback on how to increase sales inside of your funnel.


EP 339 | Mastery featuring Kristin Maahs


EP 337 | Creating connection through video featuring Nellie Corriveau