3 Email Marketing Fatal Flaws That Most Coaches and Experts Make When Selling
Their Course or Membership

An exclusive, 3-part video series where I'll share the EXACT system
that generated
over 300 sales for my business last month

The truth is…

After working with 400+ coaches and experts last year, I noticed that a lot of them fell victim to these 3 fatal flaws, and were drastically limiting their ability to sell their course or membership, via email.

And in this Video Series I’ll be digging into exactly what these fatal flaws are.

In this video series, you’ll learn:

fatal flaw #1

Why focusing on developing the “know, like, trust” factor and leading with free value is the fast track to burn out and dismal sales

fatal flaw #2

How to stop trading dollars for hours, and rethink how you make money and sell your course or membership

fatal flaw #3

Why the “done is better than perfect” mentality is actually keeping you stuck and frustrated, and how to implement a simple strategy that’ll help the sales to start pouring in

READY TO expose the 3 email marketing fatal flaws?

(Of course you are!)

Fill out the form below to get immediate access to the Video Series!