Automate two areas of your business to scale to 6-figures

Two areas of your business NEED to be automated, to help you scale to 6-figures. Without automation, you’re constantly working IN your business, when what you need to be doing is working ON your business. You can’t scale to 6-figures if you’re constantly launching, re-launching, DIYing it, and/or playing a guessing game. You’ve got lives to change (including your own) so let’s figure out a couple of key areas to automate, so that time and space will be freed up for your actually move your business forward every. single. gosh darn. day.

The first area you need to automate is lead generation.

Daily, your email list should grow. Even if it’s by one person, there needs to be something that is bringing new people to you.  

This lead generation strategy can be two-fold.

  1. You can and need to have an organic marketing strategy implemented to take your warm market and expand it. Leveraging Facebook’s algorithm is a great way to get more eyes on your content. I have a short, very actionable, training that will explain how to do this in your Facebook group here.

  2. You can and need to have a paid traffic strategy to get more cold eyes on your content. You can leverage the power of Facebook/Instagram ads to push your content to a new, cold audience.  

From there, you serve your newly warmed up audience by offering them the most amazing freebie/lead magnet/ opt-in. When they download your free resource, you hook it up to an email sequence that does a couple of things:  

  1. Develop the “know and like factor”, especially if your new email subscriber is new to you. This is where you share your story, let your guard down, and you become a real human being that they can relate to.

  2. Develop the “trust factor”. This shows your new email subscriber that you are a boss and you actually do know what you’re talking about.

  3. Then you transition into showing your new email subscriber what is possible for them. Show the transformation that can and will happen. Show them they can solve their pain point, give them a hearty dose of hope!

  4. The last step is pitching your course/service/product/opportunity. They buy because you’ve written an amazing email sequence that has established the “know, like, and trust factor”, helped them to see what’s possible for them, and then pitched a products that solves their pain point.

The second area you need to automate is client on-boarding.

Now that you’ve sold your product through an entirely automated email sequence, AMAZING and CONGRATS! This is one of the ways you can and will scale your business.  

Now what?

You need to on-board them.  

Let’s back-track a bit. You do all of this work to write this amazing sales sequence, they whip out their credit card because you’ve convinced them through your sales sequence that this program will solve a pretty major pain point they are experiencing, and pay you their hard-earned money.  

You’ve wow-ed them, you’ve sold in a way that feels good, and you’ve validated the need for your product. The last thing you want them to have is a bad first impression as a paid client.  There needs to be a systematic way they are on-boarded that is automated. Your brand new client is excited to get to work and to get to work NOW. They shouldn’t have to wait around for you to sit down to work for them to get the information that they need to get started in your course.  This is the quickest way for your new client to have buyer’s remorse.

You need to have a system in place that delivers everything to them, easily, succinctly, and in a way that’s not overwhelming. You need to take care of them because they put their trust in you (and their hard-earned money), with the hopes and intention of you helping them to solve this specific pain point they are experiencing.

When you have a new client buy from you, they should receive the following information quickly, which can be set up through automation:

  1. The website link for them to log into the program.

  2. A video of HOW to navigate the program.

  3. Any pertinent links (Facebook group, extra resources).

With each product the information might differ slightly, but these are the three imperative pieces of information.

In the Legacy Mastermind, my high-touch, year-long mastermind for women who want to create 6-figure businesses and beyond, a large part of what we cover is automating large parts of your business. Because let’s be totally honest here, you can’t work your business to 6-figures and beyond. There needs to be automation, strategy, and a support system behind you and your business.

If you’re looking to hit 6-figures in 2020 (no matter how far you may feel or be from that), then the Legacy Mastermind is totally for you. Get yourself on the waitlist and get access to some pretty phenomenal bonuses as enrollment opens back up in November 2019. Click here to learn more.

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Episode #113: Knowing when to leap with Carrie Flynn


Episode #112: How to create a consistent, scalable business