What if you could stop launching…


All without…

😫 Feast or famine months
🎢 Riding the launch rollercoaster
🤞 Crossing your fingers (and eyes, and toes!) and hoping that something works

Burn your launch calendar 🔥 and create an email funnel that replaces your soul-sucking launches (and helps you to help more people!)

Take advantage of your exclusive, $7 trial for your first month inside of the Funnel of the Month Club!

You’re smart 🤓, here’s what you know…

You know an email funnel is the most sustainable (and profitable) form of digital marketing.

You know more people see and open emails (on average, 20%), whereas only 1-3% of your social media following see your posts.

You know an email funnel is a rinse and repeat system, while social media requires you to stay on the content creation hamster wheel.

You know that an email funnel is designed to move your leads off the platform to your sales page, while social media actively tries to make it’s users never leave the platform.

You know that an email funnel is algorithm-proof, meaning you’re not at the mercy of the latest trend or feature to get you content seen and consumed.

You know that an email funnel is a smart choice to sell more of your course or membership.

The truth is…you 🙅‍♀️ HATE launching

And you’re probably not getting great results from your launches. Maybe you’re experiencing dismal show up rates? low email open rates? lackluster sales?

But you keep launching because you can’t seem to “crack the code” when it comes to an email funnel.

❌ But!

The reality is without an effective email funnel you’ll still continue to struggle to sell your course or membership, but it’s not for lack of effort on your part.

🤖 You got the templates from the guru you met on Instagram, only to sound like a robot.

💸 You paid thousands of dollars and hired the copywriter, only to sound inauthentic.

😞 You even bought the course to “find your marketing voice” and were so overwhelmed you never finished it.

🤦‍♀️ And what’s worse is…

If you don’t get off the launch rollercoaster NOW…you’ll end up with no new sales, no new clients, and no new people to help. And you created a business to HELP PEOPLE!

Which is why I created the Funnel
of the Month Club!

Funnel of the Month Club is for coaches who are ready to get off the soul-sucking launch rollercoaster and enroll new clients into their course or membership, on autopilot, through an email funnel.

“I made 2 sales using the emails, while nap trapped under my toddler. That's $3K in one weekend...I'll take it!”

- Molly Cahill, Instagram Strategist for Health and Wellness Professionals

Introducing….the Funnel of the Month Club!

A monthly email funnel membership for coaches who want to stop launching, and enroll new clients into their course or membership, on autopilot.

And right now you can grab a $7 trial for your first month! 👇️

Inside of Funnel of the Month Club you’ll get access to:

💥 A stackable Email Funnel that drops every 30 days so that you can know EXACTLY how to use these email funnels to sell your course or membership daily ($47 value)

💥 Workbooks, checklists, masterclasses, guides, etc. to help you execute the Email Funnel ideas and concepts quickly, without overwhelm ($47 value)

💥 A vault of Email Marketing Trainings and Best Practices to help you utilize your email marketing in a streamlined, simple way, that sets your email list up for maximum profitability ($147 value)

Did someone say….BONUSES?!

🔥 Plug-and-play email templates that work for any software, to help you write your emails quickly, without second guessing everything ($47 value)

🔥 Email examples so you can see the emails in action, inside of million dollar email funnels ($47 value)

🔥 Funnel Trend Reports on the 1st of every month, so that you can get an insider sneak peek into what's working inside of the million dollar funnels of our clients' ($47 value)

Total value of Funnel of the Month Club:
$382 each month

"I find the example emails helpful, so we see how they are actually used. Most people just sell templates."

-Dr. Sheldon Nix, Ph.D., M.S.W., President & Head Coach, The Life Center

Imagine if…

The sales of your course or membership were predictable, consistent, and dependable

You had clients who were next-level excited to work with you, because you served them so well inside of your funnel (and will continue to do so in your course or membership)

Sales rolled in easily while you were sleeping, hanging out with your family, taking a nap…’ya know, while you were living your life!

What if you could…

Know EXACTLY where your next paying client was going to come from

Get off the launch rollercoaster that you HATE, but continue to do, because you don’t know how to “crack the code” when it comes to your email funnel

Feel less overwhelmed, and more confident in your marketing

🤷‍♀️ You’ve tried it this way

You tried DIY-ing it, but had no luck, because you didn’t have the strategy behind the funnel

You spent THOUSANDS of dollars on a copywriter who wrote AH-mazing emails, but were super disappointed because none of them produced sales

You ditched email and relied soley on social media - but then the alogrithm changed (again!) and you couldn’t seem to gain traction like you used to

I get it, because I’ve been there.

I rode the launch rollercoaster for waaaaaaaay too long.

I tried EVERYTHING to make my launches work.

And month after month of dismal sales, barely making ends meet, and feeling like I was doing something wrong, then March 2020 and COVID hit and I was forced to figure it out.

My two small kids were now home full-time, and my work day went from 5 hours a day, to 2 (on a good day).

Nothing worked and I couldn’t find anyone teaching funnels, so I became my own “expert”.

I dug into funnels to sell my membership and after about 3 months of really hard trial and error (and some serious naptime husting), I had my first profitable month.

And the rest is history.

Here’s the thing:

I don’t want you to have to wait around for your success, like I did.

Your future clients are waiting for you to show up.

So my question to you is, when are you going to show up for them?

Once I figured out how to use funnels to sell
my membership, my business changed forever.

I was able to confidently, and dependably, know where my next client was going to come from, which got me off of the soul-sucking launch rollercoaster, and into a way of working that didn’t require me to sell 24/7.

I FINALLY had the space and time to support my family in the way I wanted to.

And I want the same for you.

"I like the fact the information is current, particularly in the constantly changing climate of online marketing."

-Amy Ramsey, Christian Lifestyle Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Personal Trainer

Got Q’s? I’ve got A’s!

Q: How do I know if Funnel of the Month Club is right for me?

A: Do you want to get off the launch rollercoaster and sell your course or membership on autopilot? If you answered with a resounding “YES!”, then Funnel of the Month Club is for you.

Q: What if I don’t like Funnel of the Month Club?

A: While we do not offer refunds or pro-rate, if you decide it’s not for you, you can cancel your membership at anytime. No questions asked!

Q: I’m TERRIBLE at writing and it takes me FOREVER to write an email, does it make sense for me to focus on email funnels to sell my course or membership?

A: Heck to the yes! Inside of Funnel of the Month Club you get access to plug-and-play email templates that are designed to give you the words, so that you don’t have to find them. Most of our members report cutting their email writing time in half by utilizing our templates.

Q: Do you also help with generating leads to get people into the funnel?

A: Nope! Inside of Funnel of the Month Club we ONLY focus on the funnel. For audience growth and lead generation support, check out 6-Figure Funnel.

Ready to create a launch-free business?

…and grab that $7 trial for your first month?!